U N I V E R S I T Y - / / P R O J E C T --- S E B A S T I A N P R O F E S S I O N A L

I am now back in full swing at University after my short (1 week) break between my hand in of the NOW project and the new LIVE brief.
My LIVE brief involves working with clients to create a campaign and video in a team (4-6 members). We had a choice between a variety of different clients.

Ally Capellino - Handbag Designer.
Lo Recordings - Record Label

Sebastian Professional - Hair Company

Griffin - Fashion Designer
Crisis - Homeless Charity.

Due to my passion for all things pretty, and love for studio and networking I have decided on the brief of SEBASTIAN PROFESSIONAL. An international hair company, only for professionals (Hair salons and fashion shows)

Here are some of their images!

Too excited for this project and love my team!

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